Location: Community Fire Company of Rising Sun 300 Joseph Biggs Memorial Highway, Rising Sun, MD 21911
Date: July 30,2016 Location: Community Fire Company of Risiing Sun 300 Joseph Biggs Memorial Highway Rising Sun, MD 21911 Time: 8:30 - -9:30pm Breakfast & Registration 9:30 - 12:00pm Meeting 12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch 1:00 - 2:00pm Meeting continues (if needed) Cost: $15.00 per person Contact: Joe Gilbert @410-658-3861 or Joe Marshall @ 410-378-2619 RSVP: By July 26, 2016 Menu for breakfast: Coffee, Juice and Donuts Lunch Menu: Meat sandwiches, Salads, Dessert, Tea, Coffee and Water Directions: From I-95(North or South), take Exit 100, Go north and turn onto Rt. 274 (Joseph Biggs Memorial Highway), Go About 4-5 miles, Firehouse is on the left. < Previous Next >