Summer Quarterly

Date: July 30,2016
Location: Community Fire Company of Risiing Sun
                300 Joseph Biggs Memorial Highway
                Rising Sun, MD 21911
Time:  8:30 - -9:30pm  Breakfast & Registration
           9:30 - 12:00pm  Meeting
          12:00 - 1:00pm  Lunch
          1:00 - 2:00pm  Meeting continues (if needed)
Cost:  $15.00 per person

31st Annual Safety Roadeo & 11th Annual Driver's Appreciation Day

Time:      Contestants arrive by 7:30 AM, Judges arrive by 8:30 AM,  Competition will begin at 9:00 AM


Oldies But Goodies

Hopefully these phots will bring back great memories of MSBCA.

Anne Arundel County- School Start Time Proposal

On February 19, 2014, former Interim Superintendent Mamie J. Perkins announced the formation of a 15-person task force to thoroughly examine school start times within Anne Arundel County Public Schools. The task force was charged with researching and developing options regarding school start times at all levels, taking into consideration the work previously conducted within AACPS and by other districts of comparable size as well as relevant medical, social, and behavioral research regarding students and school performance. Mrs.


"School Bus Drivers- Safely delievering life's most precious cargo!"


"School Bus Drivers - Safely delivering life's most precious cargo!" 


"School Bus Drivers - Safely delivering life's most precious cargo!"
